Project Leader: Artena Legnami SRL
Support Request Code: 54250706766 PSR 16.1-LS-FR-13-02-2020-17
Project Name: Bio-economy supply chain in chestnut woodlands: innovative composites and the cascating use of wood products for carbon retention.
Acronym: FilBioCasta
Unique Project Code (CUP): F91B20000050009
Recipient Partners:
Artena Legnami Srl
Alessandra Dominicis;
Università della Tuscia (Dipartimento DIBAF)Project Manager: Guglielmo Lanna
The project first goal is to reintroduce the wood supply chain in chestnut woodlands bringing innovation to all the related steps like silvicultural operations, semifinished product processes and new industrial product development. Silviculture is the keynote and it aims at extending the cycle limits through several cultural operations that can help the restoration of woodland population functions, in order to obtain a higher timber quality. Moreover, there are some specific goals:
- 1) fulfilling the bio-economy issues bringing innovation to products (XLAM, round classified wood for structural purposes, real innovation in laminated products), focusing on the cascating use of wood employing production wastes for higher add-value supply chains (biochemicals and tannin)
2) Enhancing the environmental role of chestnut woodlands in favour of the topsoil carbonsink functions and the carbon stock processes for wood application as well.
Amount Financed: 19981,30 EUROS