October is now and it’s time to start the Chestnut harvest operation.
Engines on! Let’s drive the trucks to the “macchia” – That’s how we call the woods -after waiting for about 6 months, the hottest ones, during which the chestnut trees went through their regeneration period.
Mother Nature has done her duties, at this point. Warm temperatures, the rich soil and the whole symbiotic system have been nurturing, raising and cuddling the Castanea Sativa (better known as Sweet Chestnut). The woods have received all the necessary nutrients in order to produce strong sprouts and therefore a very solid and sturdy timber.
The coppiced woodland just got in its dormancy period that will end only in spring when the first buds start coming out. Now the chestnut trees are ready to give us their precious essence which is going to become soon part of a marvelous wooden structure. The chestnut timber is unique but its quality depends on how we respect it in the natural stage and its construction application as well.
The entire harvest operation must be well done. Of course we need to pay attention to the correct cycles management and the right cutting process. Indeed, the coppiced chestnut woodland must be primarily treated with two trim operations before the final cut. Moreover, the best log cut must be done in order to avoid the water stagnation in it.
Acting differently, without looking at the natural reproductive cycle of the trees, is extremely dangerous for the local environment system and the quality of the timber too. Other ways to treat the woodland could damage the physiological growth of the plants causing illnesses like the chestnut blight and the ink disease or even compromising the structural and technical features such as flexural strength, elasticity and resistance.
Let’s be respectful to Mother Nature’s work and she will give us her best fruits!
Click here If you want to learn more about Chestnut and its technical features.